Most Common Eye Problems And Their Treatment

Your eyesight is one of your most valuable assets. However maintaining the health of your eyes is necessary, here are some common eye problems people experience with their eyes. If any of these apply to you, please see an ophthalmologists as soon as possible before the condition threatens your eyesight.


Common Eye Problems

Characterized by a cloudy, milky white lens in the eye, most cataracts are age-related and develop in people over 50. It can be result of UV exposure, injury or protein deterioration over time, this is what causes the eye’s lens to cloud. If it is not treated, it can cause vision loss.


Cataracts are common eye problem that can be treated through surgery. If surgery is needed depends on the degree of vision loss and if it affects your quality of life and ability to function.

Diabetic Retinopathy

It occurs as a result of prolonged high blood sugar associated with types 1 and 2 diabetes and if not treated well it can cause blindness. High blood sugar can change the blood vessels in the back of the eye, preventing the retina from receiving the proper amount of nutrients it needs to maintain vision. Anyone with diabetes types is at risk of developing diabetic retinopathy. But the type of diabetes a person has, how often their blood glucose changes, how good they control their sugars, and how long they have had diabetes all affects on risk.


Laser surgery can stop significant vision loss associated with diabetic retinopathy. A process called laser photocoagulation can seal or destroy growing or leaking blood vessels in the retina.

Refractive Errors

The most common cause of vision problems are refractive erroros. When the light passes through the cornea and the lens can cause refraction. Errors can occur as a result of the length of the eyeball, changes in the shape of the cornea. Farsightedness, astigmatism, and nearsightedness are categorized by refractive errors.


The most common type of treatment are eyeglasses, surgery and contact lenses.


It is the loss of the ability to clearly see the close objects. Part of the natural aging process of the eye, presbyopia is often confused with farsightedness however the two are not the same. It mainly occur when the natural eye lens loses flexibility, farsightedness occurs as a result of the natural shape of the eyeball which causes light rays to bend incorrectly when they have entered the eye.


It can be treated by wearing corrective lenses, undergoing refractive surgery or getting lens implants.


It causes damage to the eye’s optic nerve and worsens over time. Related with a buildup of pressure inside the eye, glaucoma tends to be inherited and may not show up until later in life. The increase pressure called intraocular pressure. It can damage the optic nerve, which transmit images to the brain. And if damage to the optic nerve from high eye pressure continues, it will cause permanent vision loss. Peoples having glaucoma have no early sign from this increased pressure, it is necessary to see your doctor regularly so that glaucoma can be diagnosed and treated before long-term visual loss occurs.


Glaucoma can be treated with lasers, eye drops or either surgery.

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