Keeping Your Eyes Healthy During Winter

The weather of cold winter may mean enjoying in the snow or spending time in front of a warm fire. Beside these winter also means an increased risk of getting ill. Winter is not only the season of cold and flu, however during the winter, you are also likely to respiratory infections. The first week of winters is Influenza Awareness Week, and it is a reminder for all to discover different ways to stay healthy. ​

During the winter season, other problems and eye infections can also develop, however provide correct information through which the changes of getting sick become low and we keep our eyes healthy.

Reason To Get Sick In The Winter

You can get ill with a flu or cold at any time of the year. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, from October till early spring, activity of flu is often more common in that period of time. In winters, viruses and other infections tend to line longer because the level of humidity is low combined with colder temperatures that is why we are also more likely to catch a cold in the winter months. Mostly in winters people’s spend more time indoors and increased time inside means viruses can grow easier from person to person.

Winter Eye Health Tips

It is necessary to keep your eyes healthy in all seasons, however there are some eye health tips during the months of winter. Follow these tips:

Be Sure To Protect Your Eyes

Eyes Healthy

During the cloudy days of winter, you might think that you do not need to wear sunglasses. The rays of sun still damage your eyes, mostly when you are enjoying in the snow. The light reflects off the snow and can cause sunburn. Likewise how your skin can burn, your eyes can also suffer sunburn. During the day time, in every season, when you are outdoor, use sunglasses that provide UV protection.

Wash Your Hands Often

Washing your hands is the best ways to prevent the spread of infection this winter. Not everyone washes their hands in depth. According to the CDC, wash your hands with soap and rub your hands together for about 20 seconds. Washing your hands decreases the chances of eye infections, like conjunctivitis, which is common in the winter.

Stick To The Basics

Keeping your immune system strong will decrease the chances of getting a cold, flu, and eye infection. Taking enough sleep, eating a well-balanced diet, ading lots of vitamins and minerals, along with exercise, keep your immune system functioning properly.

Treat Dry Eye

During the winter season, the chances of dry eyes may increase. As eyes need a certain level of moisture to stay healthy but the cold and wind can dry them out. If you notice symptoms of dry eyes, then visit eye doctor. Medical treatment and prescription eye drops can help.

Avoid Rubbing Your Eyes

We often rub our eyes when we are tired or are just taking a small break from your electronic devices, without even thinking about it. By doing so viruses or bacteria can easily enter to the body by rubbing your eyes. Remember to avoid touching your nose, mouth, or eyes with dirty hands.

Use A Humidifier

To fight with winter eye dryness, consider using an indoor humidifier to increase the level of moisture in your home. Do not go overboard and allow the humidity level to increase, which can lead to mold growth. The Environmental Protection Agency suggested keeping indoor humidity at 30%-50%. Humidity gauge is available at hardware stores by which you can easily measure the indoor moisture level.

Read more articles related to eye health on Luster Eyes.

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