Many people knows about the skin cancer risks relate with too much exposure of ultraviolet (UV) light. That why people carefully apply sunscreen before going outdoor. Research shows that more than one-third of adults have experienced symptoms such as red eyes or swollen eyes, eye irritation, eye infection and trouble seeing due to prolonged exposure of ultraviolet radiation.
Here are some points to know for protection of your eyes and vision.
What Is UV?

The different types of UV rays emits by the sun, in which two of them are generally known to be a serious cause for concern. In particular, UVA and UVB are not altered or fully absorbed by the atmosphere, which means they are risky for skin and eyes. UV levels are greater in tropical areas near the earth’s equator, at higher altitudes, from morning to evening. UV exposure is much higher in middle of a city than the areas covered by lots of tall buildings.
Sun’s rays feel more in the summer than winter, because snow is so reflective, winter can be twice as dangerous.
Why Are Eyes at Risk?

Many eye problems have been associated to exposure of UV, including macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma, photokeratitis, pterygia, pingueculae, cancers of the eye and surrounding skin, and many more.
Cataracts. The World Health Organization (WHO) conclude that up to 20 percent of all cataract cases are attributable to UV radiation and are preventable.
Macular Degeneration. Blindness in adults 60 and older is due to age-related macular degeneration (AMD), but early AMD is associated with higher UV exposure at an earlier age.
Pterygia And Pingueculae. These visible growths on the surface of eye can cause corneal problems and destroy your vision.
Photokeratitis. Snow blindness is another name of photokeratitis, it is like a sunburn on cornea. Temporary vision loss is causes by this painful inflammatory state.
Cancer. UV radiation’s exposure, especially UVB, is the most common cause for eyelid tumors.
Most people does not know that UV exposure damage our life and vision in younger years
How To Stay Safe

Sunglasses to eyes work as similar as sunscreen to skin. Your eyes’ best defense against dangerous ultraviolet rays by sunglasses. But, not all types of sunglasses serves suitable protection for your eyes, so check labels of sunglasses or bring them to your eye specialists to be checked out. Your shades should block 100 percent of UV rays.
The color of sunglass lenses has virtually no effect on the amount of UV protection. Whether they are grey amber, or brown. Sunglasses should have built-in UV protection.
Besides all, frame style does play important role. Wraparound styles and close-fitting provide better protection because fewer rays can enter through the sides of the frames. Similarly, additional shield offer by a wide-brimmed hat and therefore another layer of protection.
Remember, reflected UV is dangerous, even in winter. Likewise, rays reflected from buildings, sand and lakes can be a hazard, in the summer.
Read some articles related to eye health on Luster Eyes.