Health Authority Abu Dhabi (HAAD) | A Healthier Abu Dhabi…

Everything You Need To Know About Health Authority Abu Dhabi (HAAD)-UAE…!

The department of Health Authority Abu Dhabi (HAAD) is the Healthcare Sector in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. It ensures the excellence of Healthcare services for community by monitoring the health status of the population. Health Authority Abu Dhabi (HAAD) defines the strategy for health system monitors & analyses the health status of population. It provides the best class practices and performance through healthcare service in the Emirate. The department of Health Authority Abu Dhabi (HAAD) increases awareness of living healthy life standards among the residents of Abu Dhabi.

HAAD Abu dhabi

Vision Statement

A Healthier Abu Dhabi…

Mission Statement

DoH aims to regulate and develop the healthcare sector and to protect the health of individuals by ensuring better access to services, continually improving quality of care, and sustainability of resources.

Core Values of Health Authority Abu Dhabi (HAAD)

  • Commitment to society
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Accountability
  • Integrity
  • Excellence

Public Health Priorities and Goals

The Health Authority Abu Dhabi (HAAD) is providing many public healthcare services for the people of Abu Dhabi. The priorities and main goals set by HAAD are as follows:

  • Cardiovascular disease prevention and management
  • Tobacco control
  • Communicable disease prevention and control
  • Occupational and environmental health
  • Mother, infant and school health
  • Cancer control and prevention
  • Road safety
  • Other chronic conditions including Asthma
  • Oral health

Public Health Programs

The department of Health Authority Abu Dhabi (HAAD) arranges many programs for the better living style and healthy life to the public. These public health programs are related to major public health challenges, diseases and access to various public services.

  • Cancer Prevention
  • Schools for Health
  • Weqaya
  • Premarital Screening and Counseling
  • Newborn Screening
  • Safe in Heat
  • Drive Safe save Lives
  • Keep your workers safe at high
  • Breath Freely Enjoy Life
  • Vaccination Program
  • Enaya
  • Know Prevention Prevent Injury

Public Services & Requirements

The below mentioned are the available services for the public of Abu Dhabi by Health Authority Abu Dhabi (HAAD).

  • Medical Board
  • Residence-Visa Medical Checkup
  • Birth Certificate
  • Pre-Marriage Mutual Check Certificate
  • Mortuary
  • Clinical Complaints
  • Analysis of Herbal Products

Healthcare Facilities Services & Requirements

These are different healthcare facilities for general public of Abu Dhabi. If you want to avail these services then you must follow these requirements.

  • Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Facilities
  • Licensing
  • Health Audit
  • Clinical Trails Unit
  • Medical Research

International Patient Care by Health Authority Abu Dhabi (HAAD)

The department of Health Authority Abu Dhabi (HAAD) also provides the facility of medical treatments on international level. International Patient Care (IPC) Department of Health Abu Dhabi is make division entitled to refer patients for treatment in abroad. The people can cure their diseases in private hospitals and medical centers in the country. IPC provides UAE Nationals, if the treatment is not available in local hospitals then patients can go outside the country for their treatments.

The following services are offered by international patient care as:

  1. Request for Abroad Treatments
  2. Reconsideration Request
  3. Escorts Certificate Request

Contact Details

Main Building:

  • Address: Abu Dhabi, Airport Road Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
  • Postal Address: P.O. Box 5674
  • Tel: +971 2 449 3333
  • Fax:+971 2 444 9822

International Patients Care Office:

  • Address: Abu Dhabi City, Al Murror Road Al Jazira Club, Tower A, Floor 10
  • Tel: +971 2 409 1111
  • Fax: +971 2 672 7666, +971 2 674 4056

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