Market of makeup is growing day by day however it’s depressed to know that no makeup ambassador focus on health of eye that should be affected by all the makeup produced. As all the major makeup products are applied around the eye and if safety is not taken into account they can cause irritation, infection and even damage eyes. Eyes are one of the sensitive parts of our body and taking care of them is important. If you really take care about your eyes then here is a list of eye beauty tips that focus on eye health and its importance.
Eye Beauty Tips To Save Your Eyes
Clean Hands Before Applying Makeup

Always wash your hands with hand wash before applying makeup because it might contain germs. Do not touch your eyes with dirty hands. While wearing contact lenses, wash your hands with water and then with a solution to ensure they are free of bacteria.
Ensure That Face And Eyes Are Properly Cleaned

Before applying makeup always clean your eyes and face with a face wash before. Eye health needs you to have clear eyes with no mascara or kajal staying overnight.
Change Your Eye Makeup Products

Makeup has expiry date so avoid using makeup for eyes or face, beyond its expiry date.
Eye Beauty Tip To Save Your Eyes

Always apply makeup away from the eye, outside the lash line. This stop in blocking the oil glands of the eyelid, lower or uper.
Sharp Objects Are Not For Your Eyes

Do not use sharp objects to fix your eyelashes that might be fix by using mascara. You don’t want to get your eyes marks or get hurt by simple mistake.
Glitter Makeup Is fantastic But Requires Safety

Glitter makeup look attractive but if their flakes can fall into the eyes they can cause irritation in your eyes. If you will use these so always be safe with metallic, glitter or glitter powder. The common cause of eye infection is glitter eye makeup and people who wear contact lenses should take extra care.
Don’t Share Your Eye Makeup Products

Don’t share someone’s mascara or kajal, they might contain germs. Purchase your own makeup products because it is not the thing that you should be sharing.
New Applicators With New Makeup Products

Always use new applicators for new makeup products. It’s not always important to save money. You may prefer the old applicator however the new applicator is clean and never used before so it is better.
Following are the eye beauty tips for the removal of makeup in order to avoid any infection or hassle.
Don’t put your eye remover into your eyes.
The most effective and affordable makeup removers are vaseline or baby shampoo so use them.
Use tear free soaps to clean your eyes and then wash your eyes with water.
If exfoliation scrubs and cleansers are used around the eyes so they can cause extreme irritation. use these products away from the eye area.
Always keep your eye safe and have happy makeup experience.
Read more interesting articles related to eye health on