If you notice a charge on your Bank of America account that you don’t recognize or that you believe is unauthorized, you can dispute it. Disputing a charge means that you are asking Bank of America to investigate the charge and determine whether it is valid. If the Bank finds it in your favor, the charge may reversed.
What are the steps?
Here are the steps on how to dispute a charge:
- Identify the charge you want to dispute. Once you logged in, go to your account activity and find the charge you want to dispute.
- Gather supporting documentation. This may include receipts, invoices, or other documentation that shows that you didn’t make the charge or that the charge is incorrect.
- Dispute the charge. You can dispute a charge online, through the mobile app, or by calling Bank of America customer service.
How to dispute online
- Log into your Bank of America account.
- Go to your account activity and find the charge you want to dispute.
- Click the “Dispute this transaction” link.
- Follow the instructions on screen to complete the dispute process.
Mobile App
To dispute a charge through the mobile app:
- Open the Bank of America mobile app.
- Tap the “Menu” icon.
- Tap “View My Claim.”
- Tap “Dispute a Transaction.”
- Follow the instructions on screen to complete the dispute process.
By calling customer
- Call Bankcustomer service at 1-800-432-1000.
- Tell the representative that you want to dispute a charge.
- Provide the representative with the details of the charge you want to dispute, as well as any supporting documentation you have.
They will contact the merchant and you to gather more information. If Bank of America finds in your favor, the charge will be reversed and your account will be credited. If Bank of America finds against you, you will be responsible for the charge.
What are the tips
- Act quickly. The sooner you dispute a charge, the better your chances of getting it reversed. Bank of America recommends that you dispute a charge within 60 days of receiving your statement.
- When you dispute a charge, be sure to explain why you are disputing it and provide any supporting documentation you have.
- Be patient. It can take some time for Bank to investigate a disputed charge.
If you have any questions or problems disputing a charge with Bank , you can contact customer service for assistance.